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cobby Is Your PIM With Excel

cobby connects all your product data in real time with Excel.
Create new products, change prices, upload images and much more - directly in Excel and with one click also in Magento or Shopware.

customer quote: what the cobby fan says
customer quote: what the cobby fan says

» The helpful functions in Excel and the huge time savings immediately convinced us of cobby! Since we started using cobby, we save about 25 minutes per product in product maintenance. And the support always helps us expertly and quickly. «

Magento Preis ändern in cobby

Fast and efficient online store maintenance

cobby – The Smart PIM System for Magento and Shopware

The manufacturer has sent new prices, product descriptions and product images?
You would like to reduce the price of certain products for a short time, e.g. on Black Friday?
Some products should be moved to a new category?

With cobby this only takes a few clicks in a few minutes.

cobby connects your shop system with Excel

Use All Excel Functions For Your Online Shop

Work in a familiar environment, no new program to learn. Apply your Excel skills to maintain your Magento or Shopware online shop. cobby processes Excel formulas like you are used to. All Excel functions like filters, search or analysis functions are at your disposal.

The very best thing about our Excel add-in: With one click all changes are immediately live in Magento or Shopware.

cobby Excel Filter nutzen
Arbeiten im Team mit cobby

Real-time processing

Teamwork In The Long Term

Who is currently working on what product? What is the current status? What product information did the product have one month ago?

The cobby traffic light system shows the current status and whether your product data in Excel is up to date.
The cobby history keeps track of every change and restores previous versions.

cobby is great Pfeil

» …after testing the tool we realized that it is probably the best and most time saving Magento extension we have ever tried – and the time we will save using it covers the cost for sure. «